Rockport's or Magico's

I have heard that these two speaker lines employ some state of the art design concepts.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Magico M5 and Rockport Altair at Goodwins or anywhere else?

How similar are they and where do they differ?

Thanks AO
I'm over it Sammy. You should really think before you write because your response to my posts came off as very passive-aggressive and holier than thou, on the one hand seemingly nice comments followed by stab-in-the-back, low handed remarks on the other. Apology accepted, so lets move on.
The Wilson crowd thinks that the Magico’s are too polite. The Rockport crowd, thinks they are too analytical. They are, when all is said and done, a much more resolving, and therefore, sensitive to proper setup than the Rockport (or any other speakers, IMO). They will always put out what you put into them, unlike the Rockport “colored” presentation that is often “pretty” but undiscriminating. It is interesting that Koegz, found the Altair bass to be superior to the M6. It was clearly not a match to the M6 when I heard them. In fact, my biggest criticism of the Rockport will be their poor bass integration, due to their side firing subs, to the rest of the system. BTW, before the ranting begins, just in case it is not clear, I am a Magico owner and a BIG fan.
roypan it is obvious to me that you have a much better grasp on what is colored and what is acurate, then i do. clearly no match. thanks for clearing that up.
i remember you "physics are physics". you owen the V3, therefore they must be the best. you know all there is to know about speaker design and could, i am sure, improve on andy's design. if he would only listen. M6, fantastic speaker def considered. i just love the sound and looks. far better then the V3 or mini 11,s. not a fan of the looks of the M5 either. whats up with those bolts? i mean $90000.00 and you got them nuts sticken out you have to tighten now and again. now the M6 looks and sounds great. other then the arrakis the M6 would be my next choice and may even be. again my OPINION! try not to be so arrogant. your thoughts are just your opinions as well.