Rockport's or Magico's

I have heard that these two speaker lines employ some state of the art design concepts.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Magico M5 and Rockport Altair at Goodwins or anywhere else?

How similar are they and where do they differ?

Thanks AO

Tis is a pretty good example of how differently we all listen and how different our priorities are regarding the intricate cues in music that draw us in. There are many aspects to any one speaker systems performance and design but infinitely more diverse and delicate are the differences in the way we all listen for that connection to music and the aspects of sound that bring a recording to life.

Aesthetics is still another chapter. We are all fortunate to have so many choices and different ways of appreciating music through excellent systems. Two great speaker systems, no "right" answer.
TWO great speakers i have MINI 2 love them . These are too top speakers everyone has different tastes.
I hate to further muddy these waters, but I am anxious to hear the Tidal Contriva Diaceras at the RMAF. My favorite Magico is the V3 and I don't like any of the others. I have always liked Rockports that I have heard at CES but have never really thought of buying.

As always, this thread has lead to no consensus.
Why are you anxious? There are so many loudspeakers out there using the exact same Acuton ceramic drivers compilation, what surprises are you waiting for?