Integrated tube amp for Coincident Super Eclipse

Before I sell alot of my gear (recent job loss) I am wondering what integrated tube amp would be a great match for my Coincident Super Eclipse llls? What about SET amps? For whatever reason, I am thinking of a Cayin A88T as a good match.... any suggestions? I listen to folk, rock and jazz and my room is 12'x25'.
I've got multiple coincidents. I love them with tubes, both high power and lower powered. EL34's can be a little more harsh (Rock?) while EL84's & 2A3's are more forgiving. These speakers are not at all forgiving with harsh sources or music. I have some 120 watt vintage grommes(6GK5) amps that sound amazing but I'll never really push the amps.
For solid state, Mac is the way to go. My theater amp is a Mac 7106 and just might beat my tubes with the coincidents.