Re: What are the Best Speakers a $1000 could get?

Hi All,

I am a total rookie as far as Speaker system is concerned. I do not know where to find nor what to look for in order to get the best deal out there. But I know exactly what I want out of the budget that I currently have to spend for speakers.

I've got $1,000 and I am looking for the best speakers system that money can buy. I currently have a Denon Receiver AVR- 2805 that I am looking to hook it up with great quality speakers and a sub. I am very interested in a super quality sub. The one that produces a good-clean BOOM without spitting out NOISES that piss neighbors.

My needs are mostly for watching movies, listening to musics, and last but not least, for singing or karaoke.

So folks, I need your help. I believe I've come to the right place and forum here that I can get some great inputs and real recommendations.

Thank you all in advance and I look forward to your precious info.
He is right about buying used ; hard to give specific recommendations as choices are always changing, I would spend the money on a pair of speakers and add the sub later. Older large speakers might make the sub unnecessary. Some info about room size would make it easier to give advice as well as how loud you will want to play the system and what type of music you listen to.
I have liked Tannoy, some of their lower priced speakers are excellent if you can find some used Mercury (M) or Definition (D) series models. They are efficient so if you ever get the itch to try tubes you should be in good shape. Also, good to check out would be the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes used.

The neighbors may be more concerned with your sub-woofer's existence than its performance.

The use of Re: in the subject line is interesting.
Best speakers for $1000.00?Ask 100 people and you will get 100 different answers.You are the only one that can decide what is "best" for you.Example:Many folks rave about Thiel speakers.I find them too bright and hard on my ears.It's best if you can listen to speakers before you buy them.That being said,I have no place around here to audition any equipment.After a lot of research I bought my Tyler Acoustics without hearing them and couldn't be happier.I consider myself lucky.Take recomendations here and do some research and if at all possible,audition what interests you.Give a little more info on what you like in a speaker and you will get better responses.Good Luck.
you really never know ... there is the occasional SUPER deal that comes along but they usually only last for hours if not minutes in some cases

I picked up a $10,000 pair of speakers for $1700 inc shipping not too long ago!

makes it nearly impossible for a specific recommendation!