Speakers to build a $6500 system around

I am frustrated with all the speaker choices available in the $2k range. There's just too many! I listen to all music types but I lean towards jazz, vocals and reggae. I have a bedroom system consisting of an Rega Apollo cd player, Music Angel EL34 integrated pushing an old pair of Energy 4.1e's which I enjoy very much. However, this set-up in my larger tiled family room just doesn't cut it. Can someone recommend a source,full range speaker and integrated combo that can deliver "you are there" kind of sound for around $6500? My room is not ideal. It measures 16' x 20'. One side opens out to a dining area. I have to place these speakers against the long wall. I would really appreciate any opinions on speakers in the $2000 dollar range that I can really build something special upon. Thanks!
There are a lot of options - especially if you are willing to buy "pre-owned" speakers that are a little cosmetically challenged. For sale on Audiogon right now are a pair of Allison Ones (1000USD) and a pair of Audio Note ANE speakers (1500USD). Both are designed for near wall placement and are not fussy about location.
There was just a thread on Audioasylum's High Efficiency (speakers) forum about Altec Model 19s where recent pricing was discussed (and recent offers have been in the $1200-1500 range with no bids). A reasonably well-known audio dealer and speaker specialist once called them one of the best turnkey speakers ever made. They are big, but highly efficient. They like a big room, but can survive in a room like yours. I have mine in similar placement in a slightly smaller room and they are wonderful. They put out a BIIIIG sound with little wattage, sound wonferful with tubes (and should work very well with tubes).

For anyone who can deal with big old boxes (they look OK, especially in walnut, so they have WAF of a certain kind but they are big, which means they could lose WAF points in another way, they are great. I put mine in a summer house music room (you can see it in my "Whiskey Room" system. Every time someone new comes to the house and listens to music, their first reaction is "Whoa, those are big", and their next reaction is "Who that's great-sounding music." The size is completely forgotten and fun is had by all.
Vandersteen 2CE sig IIw are available at that price new, or much less used for the older 2CE sig. One of the real bargins in high-end. Another option is Von Schweikert VR4jrs used. The Audio Aero Prima CDP is quite good at about $1k used. Vandersteen house sound is more laid back but very, very good, non-fatiguing sound. VS 4JR more up-front; maybe more rock or big band oriented.

Or how about Merlin VSMs (older model, used); ARS Sonum tube integrated (used) and the Audio Aero Prima. That should come in right about that $6k budget and the speakers can be upgraded over time.
Tiled room? Perhaps speakers with narrow dispersion might be best. Sounds like a tough room, perhaps digital room correction might help.