simaudio 740P VS Mark Levinson 326S

i want to upgrade my preamps
my target is 326s,at the same range i don't think there are any other good choose?
But 1 of my friend told me simaudio 740p may better than 326s
Any comments on the simaudio 740P VS Mark Levinson 326S?
Thanks, nsgarch: I am glad someone is taking care of Levinson. It's nice gear and I hate to see what happened to it a few years ago.
I have demoed both and finally decided on the simaudio 740p. 740p is very neutral and refined sounding.
326s sounded ordinary to me.
Just to update,
In hifi, you can only judge an equipment if you can compare them side by side.

I thought the 740p sounded great.
But against my aged aragon 28k, the 740p sounded smooth, muddy and veiled.