Forward Monitor with Detail Speed and liquid Highs

Want some advice on a set on monitor speakers. I have tried a ton of speakers trying to get something that I can settle on. Dunlavy SC-I, Dynaudio 40, Totem Mite Dreamcatcher Arro, Quad 11L, Ohm Walsh Micro Tall, Epos ELS-3, Zu Druid, MMG to name a few. The few of these that stand out are the Dunlavy (loved them) and the Epos ELS-3 (really special for the price).

I have my eyes out for a set of Dunlavy's but it may be awhile before I can get a set. In the mean time I would like a set of speakers that will keep me happy. I really love detail and a speaker that can disappear. I guess I like the "front row" presentation.

I'd like help putting together a short list of speakers with tremendous detail and the ability to disappear. Here is what I have.

Low end:

Usher S-520
Epos ELS-3
Triangle Stella

Higher End:

Tyler Taylo Mini Reference
Mark & Daniel Ruby
Usher BE-718
Totem Model One

I have plenty of power 150w integrated and am using the system in a small room. The problem with the Zu Druids and the MMGs is that they overpowered the room. I'm pretty sure any floor stander is going to be too much for the space or I would consider the Gallo Ref 3.1. I even have my concerns about the Usher BE-718 because of the amount of bass I have read it puts out. Quads and Ohms were too laid back for me. Dynaudio were a little thin, but I'm sure as I moved up the line they would get much better. I want a liquid detail, speed, accuracy.

Any recommendations or opinions on the above speakers would be great.
OK- I don't get how the Druids 'overpowered the room'. Isn't that a function of the volume control?? Did they work OK if you kept the volume lower?

Also, the P7 monitor from High Emotion Audio

is one of the most revealing monitors made. It is easy to drive and is honest to 40Hz, with a *very* wide sweet spot.
The Zus overpowered the room because the are so big that I could not sit far enough away to allow the driver and tweeter to integrate. I alsofound that they need to be played loud to get the dynamics going.
Mailman199, I see. I've used the High Emotion Audio P7 as a monitor and it integrates easily with only 2-3 feet. It is one of the fastest and detailed monitors I've heard, and it is also relaxed. What is fun about it is that it is more detailed than the best ESLs, so its possible to create reference quality sound in a small space. They don't need a lot of power and are quite compact.