B&W 801 vs 803s

About to finish my home theater room have B&W 803s right now and have a chance to upgrade to 801. both are nautilus series.. my room is 13 feet by 24 feet with 8 foot cieling. do you think the 801 are to big for my room. thanks for your opinions in advance..
you can buy watt puppy 8's new in the crate for $16000 or maybe even less.

you can buy used 7's for $10,000 or less. And they are far more speaker than the B&W's he is talking about
J stereo.

Drive a Porsche and then drive a Vette. I have owned several of both and they are non even in the same ball park.

The Porsche is reliable, handles way better and is just as fast and way more fun to drive. The vette is like riding in a lumber wagon. That is if you can keep it out of the shop.

comparing vettes to Porsches is just like comparing B&W's to Wilsons.
btw based on what some of you guys are inferring. You are paying close to retail for speakers? New 7's could be purchased for under $13,000 over 2 years ago. Comparing retil prices on speakers is not even relevant. If you are paying anywhere close to retail on any speakers you are paying too much.

If your dealer is not willing to deal go elsewhere. The internet is a great tool for getting good prices on speakers.

B&W is a classic example. People payin near retail on them are just blowing away money. Shop around and use your head.
BTW j stereo

I recently worked at one of the largest Chevy dealers in the country. I lost a deal on a Z06 because it took our service department over 2 weeks to intstall a new clutch. This car had 13,000 miles on it.

The car was bought and paid for and all we had to do was install the new clutch. We had to refund his money. Talk to just about any service manager at a chevy store about Z06 cars. They put out a lot of power but are not well built cars. Typical domestic car i guess.
My point is that even though the WP8s are 15,000 used he might be able to get a similar "house sound" for 6,000 with the sophia 1s...

I have never compared the two. I have only heard the Sophia 2s and never heard the WP8s. I do know that I personally would by the Sophia 2 over the 802D. Used the 802D is around $9,000 and the Sophia 2s go for around 11,000 (both in the 10,000 +or- price bracket)

Back on track with the OP. There is nothing wrong with B&W's sound and they look GREAT. Where the Wilsons look like sin IMO sitting beside other hi end brands (Focal JM Lab, B&W, Sonus Faber).

One thing that is often forgotten on these sites is that we all like different music which have different points of interest. I was demoing the 803D (different but similar rooms) and Focal 1037B about a year back. I only took two CDs, Metallica's Black album and Nora Jones newest CD (not sure the name).

I started off listening to Nora Jones. The mids of the 1037B had more inner detail than the 803D and delicate highs. I was really liking the 1037s. Then I put on Metallica and things changed very quickly. The 1037s did not have the scale or coherence of the 803D. The 1037s burped out odd bass notes (in the given room) while the 803D's bass was great with no weird corks. On Metallica highs of the 803Ds filled the room while the 1037s were more directional and loosing scale on the big rock and roll tracks...

All is all I like the 803D much better because most of my music is hard rock. At the time they were $8,000 MSRP and the 1037s were $11,200 MSRP. But the my real point is not to compare speakers in this post but to show how musical taste affect speakers choice. If I only listened to soft Jazz the 1037s would have been my choice.