RMAF Loudspeakers?

Seeking ideas for high sensitivity (95+dB), 6-8 ohm nominal, flat impedance loudspeakers to audition at RMAF.

Daedalus Audio is one I am aware of.

I would have liked to listen to offerings from Devore, Zu Audio, WLM and Audiokinesis, but those manufacturers are not listed as exhibitors.

Any other ideas I may have overlooked?
TVAD -- As I wasn't at RMAF, I'm curious to know what you thought of Daedalus, which you mentioned in your initial post above. I've started thinking about my next speaker purchase (although it may be a year or two off), and the Ulysses have really intrigued me.

-- Al
The Deadalus Ulysses and D-Rma were both driven by Modwright amplification, preamplification and front end gear.

I thought both models were strong overall, however I am going in a different direction with speakers.
Would it be possible to get a little more info on the deadalus.Perhaps thier general sonic character why they can't take you in the direction your headed.
Stereodad, I'm going to be using low power tube amps. Daedalus speakers do not fit the profile of a speaker that will be optimal with this type of amplification.