Best speaker value between $1800-$2100

Need some input on best value in speakers between $1800 to $2100. I have been out of the market for 3 years due to illness. I currently have a pair of Silverline Prelude II speakers which are above average. I am driving them with a Creek 5250SE Classic which is about 85RMS. I prefer a speaker with a narrow profile(like the Preludes) because the room is 12X15 with mostly hardwood floors and wall of window area. I also have some overstuffed furniture; but, overall the room is lively. I don't have a lot of flexibility in the room for speaker placement; I currently have the Preludes placed on the long axis---they sound somewhat louder on the right speaker. I use a pair 10ft of Analysis Oval 12 which may need to be replaced. All opinions and advice will be welcomed.
Hawks are nice but fussier about power. I might suggest the Totem Sttaf as more flexible and in this price range new.
Normally, I would say Magnepan (for example 1.6QR), but with a smaller room and with that amp (although I really love Creek's, they really don't like Maggies...). I doubt you could make them sound good due to room size.

Vandersteens are always a good choice, especially the 2CE Signatures. Easily within your price range, and much below if you look at used. Not too difficult to on the amp either.
What is it about your speakers that you don't like or want to change ? Are you married to your amp ? Maybe the Creek/Silverline synergy is not working .

If I remember correctly , Silverline has been voicing some of his later stuff with SS . I am not sure if the Prelude 2 is one of these or not .

You might try talking to them to get their recommendation on amplification . Could make a world of difference .

Good luck.