Why so negative about McIntosh speakers?

It seems that McIntosh speakers receive lots of criticism here on A'Gon. Looking for serious answers why. I still have vintage Mac XR-7s and even they sound rather outstanding coupled with the 107 Environmental Equalizer on my system. Maybe I don't get out much.
I don't know about the later ones but the earlier ones were BAD. A friend of mine paid $1000 , then big money, for a pair to use with his Marantz 7C and model 9s. He kept them a few months and sold them for $500. He later admitted he never liked them but hated to admit he had been taken.
All the above comments are quite pertinent on Mac speakers. If you have access to the McIntosh book "For The Love Of Music", their speakers and developement by Roger Russell is quite interesting. I personally have never heard their speakers, but sure would like to. I've owned their electronics since 1978, and I'm very happy with them. Like it was mentioned, if you like what you have, stay with them, and forget any negative babble you read about. Mac has taken quite a few hits over the years, mostly by folks who've never heard their gear.
I'm not a fan of their speakers either.There's a ton of others that I feel the same way about it.Its hard for a company to specialize in everything.Mac tries to.They are best known for their amps,and vintage tuners.Now they claim to make everything in house.No outsourcing.I guess they now make tubes,transistors,capacitors,screws and all!Amazing!Charlie Randall Mac's new top guy grew up with car stereos.He said his first hi-end system was a Mac given to him by Sidney Corderman.He also said he grew up with cassettes,then Cd's.When questioned about vinyl,he said something like I'm not old enough to appreciate that part of it.I have a friend in his 20's that loves vinyl and Cd's.Those questions were asked by TAS,September 2009,issue 195.Here he is on You Tube that looks the same as the Mac site.You Tube Link>>>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOtaOrXIPrI]
No hate here. I heard their XRT28s a few years back, and still remember just how impressed I was. I guess as others have said, it is all about individual taste...

11-16-09: Newbee
LOL. There are a lot of fine speakers that get tons on criticism in these pages. But since you don't own them and probably haven't heard them, you just assume that it is all warranted.

Newbee, your post seems to be attacking Sit for no reason. Nowhere in his post does he assume that the criticism of other speakers on Audiogon is necessarily warranted. What's up with that?