Why so negative about McIntosh speakers?

It seems that McIntosh speakers receive lots of criticism here on A'Gon. Looking for serious answers why. I still have vintage Mac XR-7s and even they sound rather outstanding coupled with the 107 Environmental Equalizer on my system. Maybe I don't get out much.
Foster 9, One of the problems with posting here is that we are told to seperate paragraphs into shorter groups of sentences or single sentences so that folks can more easily understand. You must consider that the first two paragraphs in my post must be taken together. They are one.

As Sit noted, the roots of these observations live in the posts by Stanwal and Hifitime. But, then if you stripped uninformed comments from these threads it would be a threadbare forum and uninteresting reading to many. :-)

I'm sure that lots of folks (including me) have blind brand predjudices but are considerate enuf to keep them to themselves, at least to keep from looking like a generic fool if nothing else.
Newbee:LOL. There are a lot of fine speakers that get tons on criticism in these pages. But since you don't own them and probably haven't heard them, you just assume that it is all warranted.

Foster_9: Newbee, your post seems to be attacking Sit for no reason. Nowhere in his post does he assume that the criticism of other speakers on Audiogon is necessarily warranted. What's up with that?

After reading it a couple of times, I had interpreted the word "you" in Newbee's post to be used in the sense of "one," which would make it clearly not an attack on anyone. Reworded based on that assumption, the comment would be "But since one doesn't own them and probably hasn't heard them, there is a natural tendency to just assume that it is all warranted."

Best regards,
-- Al
Al, As usual you are right. I've got a head cold and my brain is all stuffed up. No it is not a perpetual 'cold', but it can seem that way! :-)
I have fond memories of the ML1c (MQ101 eq) with the C28 preamp and MC2505 amp with a Thorens 126MkII in the 70's

To this day and all the money I have spent, that system always holds a place for me as the system I spent the most time with.

I have also herd Stacked ML2C with a MC2300 playing Pink Floyd DSOTM and it was awsome.

They are just not everyones cup of tea