Will mother move your speakers at Thanksgiving?

Three days til she gets here for Thanksgiving. Three days and one minute until the inevitable question: "Why don't you push those speakers back against the wall instead of keeping them out in the middle of the floor where I can trip over those wires?"

What's your family hi-fi disfunction?
Wine, Parsifals, food, beer, mother-in-laws, killing, giving thanks, crabs, face like a horse- so American!
Horseface, if I put my face- of -hunger on and sit in front of Echo, will you invite me for food and wine? Music better be good, too!

Grimace- I like the idea of moving the speakers BEFORE she gets there.
Guests will be guests. I try to be a practical and realistic host. Move the speakers back to the wall, hide the turntable if any poorly-behaved kids are going to be around, put some coasters on top of the speakers, have a nip of the single malt. Ask Mom what her favorite music is and then play it for her and see if she wants to dance. If my mother was still around, that's what I'd do. She loved big band music and was a great dancer. YMMV.
If you'll also have white, Big House White, a CA blend, is among the best buys in wine I know about right now (12-14 reg/7$ on sale at my grocery). If you're feeling more expansive, Caymus Conundrum (25$) is another CA blend with lots of interest -- a bit flamboyant, but able to stand up to a range of TG foods. John