Help: Speakers to fill Exceptionallly Large Room?

I'm trying to outfit a large coffeebar with a decent pair of speakers or monitors on a budget. The room is approximately 20 feet wide by 80 feet deep. My current plan is to place one speaker at the front of the space aiming at the bar and a second about half way through the space, again, aiming at the bar. Everything beyond the second speaker will be a "quiet" space for all intents and purposes.

Rules are that I cant use more than two speakers and they have to be wall mountable. I'd like the place to sound good, though I know it will be no acoustic dream, by far. Price range is probably $500-600, $1000 max. Should be relatively efficient, because I'll need some db's to fill the space. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
"they were based on table radio speakers equalized so that their midrange was suppressed to the level of their treble and bass. "

Didn't realize that. That is an innovative design! No wonder their sound was so unique and sought after by many!
Don't fool around, JBL Everest 66's. They are visually a statement. However, at $60K for the pair, you may need another loan.
A Fischer table radio to be exact. They had a famous law suit the went the the US Supreme Court over Consumers Report's description of their sound. A British mag commented that it was a good thing that they hadn't seen ITS report. I can't recall if it was the one that said they sounded as if the tenor had stuck his head in a barrel of cotton wadding. My totally obsolete data retrieval system [aging memory] now recalls that they switched to plastic framed drivers in the past. The first ones were at least well made, the later ones, well everyone to their own taste.
Get a pair of DJ type speakers.IMO,in a business atmosphere,people are not that interested in how the music sounds.While lots of the speakers recommended above would be fine,why spend that much money on more or less,background listening.Just a thought.Good luck with you business.Here's a link to a site with a good sale going on.