Anyone spent time with the Totem Wind?

I demoed the Totem Wind today with a Carry tube amp and Vinyl (also used a logitech server with flac files). It was in a house and not a show room. The room was about 12x20x8 and the speakers were on the short wall about 3 feet out, 6 feed apart with no toe in.

They sounded pretty good but I was not wowed by them... and I wanted to be. The speakers did not seem to have any real faults. The highs, mids, and bass integrated well. They seemed tonally balanced. The sound stage was very wide with a large sweet spot. All in all pretty good speakers. But I just wanted more I guess.

I just want to hear other people thought's on the Totem Winds. If anyone has long term ownership I would love to hear what you think. Also if anyone has compared the directly to Thiel 3.7 or Wilson Sophia (or other good speakers) I would like to hear what you thought.

Also what are your thoughts on the speakers abilities to extract details in the bass(texture), mids, and highs?
Johnny, that's a very good point. I have no other frame of reference for Totem as I haven't heard their other products, so I wouldn't know what to expect. It is definitely possible they were not broken in yet. However, I can only report what I heard.

Your thoughts on the room set up mirror my own. I have an ok understanding of how the room was going to effect the sound. I also listen pretty quiet (70-75dB) compared to most people on this site. I feel my lower listening volume tends to minimize some of the room affects.

I would have liked to have the speakers a little wider apart and towed is a good bit but it was a very casual audition and I did not want to offend the dealer. The pair I was demoing had already been sold but not picked up...

But I had no handle on the equipment being used. Unfortunately I do not think the Winds are a normal stock item for that dealer (mostly lower end totems etc,) which explain the so so set up. I do have another dealer around though. If they have the Winds I will try and hear them with a more powerful solid-state amp next time.

Thanks for all the input, and I would still like to hear from anyone who has owned the Winds.
I presently own a pair of totem winds with the new generation cross-over and absolutely love them. As reported above they do need power. Mine are presently powered by a bryston 4b sst square and sound beautiful. Although if i did have the money to spend more on a amp i would go with the 501's from Mcintosh. By far the best sound i have heard from them, smooth and beautiful bass. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Maverick your system looks very nice and clean. Good looks and good sound I am sure.

What other speakers did you try before buying the Winds, and what did you like about the Winds better?
i owned a pair of paradigm studio 100's before but when my dealer brought in the winds i fell in love with them right off the bat. I did take a look also at some Verity fedelio and even the sophias from wilson audio. I personaly dont listen to alot of rock music, more into Jazz, electronic and trance and also some classical. The wind is more defined then the above speakers and just seems to do things with less effort and with smoothness when it comes to that kinda music to my ears. But this is done with good matched amp and needs to be driven properly. Thx for the compliments on my system.