Harbeth P3 stands....... Skylan or Sound Anchor

What stands for Harbeth P3ESR? I need the stand sturdy and not easy to trip.I like Sound Anchor stands, but most Harberth folk chose Skylan over Sound Anchor.
My listening room is 12x13, mostly listen to Jazz and Chamber Music.
What if the tweeter level is higher than my listening position.

I chose Sound Anchor. Not sure if they are better or not, but i think they look better and i know they are heavy and sturdy.
How about the base plate from Sound Anchor Single Post has 3 point spikes and Skylan base plate has 4 point spikes.
Is the 3 point spikes are the same stable compare with 4 point spikes that Skylan base plate has?
3 spikes are easier to level.
I'm sure you can order appropriate 4 spike stands from Sound Anchor.
I've owned both and have nothing but good things to say about both companies. IMO, 4 point spiked stands will give you the best support, albeit they take a little more time to set up.