Polk LSI15 compared to Paradigm Studio 100 V4

Hi guys,

I have a question on speakers there for coming to you the experts.
I have a yamaha RXV 1500, a sunfire signature amp(425 watts 8ohm), second amp(sunfire TGA5200, 200watts into 8ohm), cd player(Emotiva ERC-1) two subs both velodyns(15 and 10 inch)
So now I am looking for front left/right speakers.
In your opinion which one will give me better sound quality for both HT and Music. Music being a range of every thing rock, pop, country, vocals and smooth jazz)

I will greatly appreciate all the help you can give me

Hope to hear from you all

To Loomisjohnson,

No offense, but if you heard the LSi 15's as muddy & veiled,
I Guhhh "Air" on teeee you something else was the problem.

The Lsi's are among the best speakers out there, "at" & way
above their price range.
for this 2 choice, i like Polk LSI15 over Paradigm Studio 100 V4 , but i think Definitive tech is better suit for HT
I have head both. The Polk was on a reciever (denon I believe) and the Paradigm was in Arcam preamp/amp (don't know the model). It was also a while ago so take my coments with a grain of salt.

The sound quality is comparible and it really comes down to personal taste. The bass is puncher on the Paradigm 100s. The Polk had a lot of bass but it was not as quick and seemed to cover up the midrange a bit. The highs on the 100s are a lot more forward than on the Polk. While the Polk's highs were good they are a little laid back for my taste ( you might like them... They have good detial).

All in all both are good but the Paradigm were a lot more interesting and fun to listen to for me. I like a some what forward and neutral speaker so YMMV.

Try and give then both a listen.
Similar to James63 and LoomisJohnson I would come down on the Studio100 side of the fence. I listened to both for at least one hour with my own material. The polks with a Yamaha V683 driving it and the 100's driven with a Rotel 1560. Both rooms were treated to some extent. Personally I was not wow'd by either but I would be happier with the paradigms. I also listened to the V5 versus the V4 and if there was a difference I could not hear it (at least there with the rotel setup.) +1 on the totem as an alternative but I think you have it narrowed to the polk/paradigm so I'll shut up.
telescope, i'm not sure i fully grasp your thread, but i think you're questioning my critique and faithfully defending your polks. no offense taken, of course--i defend my speakers more zealously than i defend my wife or kids. i did a/b the polks against some very revealing floorstanders (focal, vienna) and honestly didn't think the polks were competitive; however this passion is inherently subjective and your opinion is just as valid as mine. i'm not a polkbasher--i've owned and enjoyed the rt25 (great cheap monitor), rt 35 (wooly bass--not as good as the rt25), rt1000p (surprisingly nice treble and midrange, if a bit unengaging); i've also heard alot of the excellent sda and lsi7. however, in the $1000-$2000 sweet spot, there's lots of other speakers i'd rather own.