Polk LSI15 compared to Paradigm Studio 100 V4

Hi guys,

I have a question on speakers there for coming to you the experts.
I have a yamaha RXV 1500, a sunfire signature amp(425 watts 8ohm), second amp(sunfire TGA5200, 200watts into 8ohm), cd player(Emotiva ERC-1) two subs both velodyns(15 and 10 inch)
So now I am looking for front left/right speakers.
In your opinion which one will give me better sound quality for both HT and Music. Music being a range of every thing rock, pop, country, vocals and smooth jazz)

I will greatly appreciate all the help you can give me

Hope to hear from you all

If possible, it is important to listen the speakers in the same environment and w/ the same electronics you will be using. At least you used the same electronics which is very important. I was commenting on folks that used one type of speaker with a receiver comparing to another w/ higher caliber electronics and then claiming the speaker w/ the lesser electronics didn't sound as good...dah, you think so?

In my experience, Paradigms do sound better w/ brighter and more detailed electronics than Polks, so I can understand your conclusions. Everything is relative. A perfect example is the ongoing debate is over the Benchmark DACs. It sounded stellar for me in my tube based system, but others felt it is thin. Balancing your system w/ the components in your listening room is critical, so I'm cautious of sweeping generalities.
I have a pair of Polk's LSI15 (I have not have the oportunity to audition Paradigm Studio). So I have DENON receiver (I use it jus for see DVD's/Blu rays and TV's, NOT FOR SERIOUS LISTENING), but my LSi15 are conected to a Parasound amp 2125, ..., when I tried to use the DENON AVR, ...., this was simply an insult to my Polks. Please, use good audiophile electronics.

I use Parasound amp/pre, cambride audio cd player (used as transport) external DAC (Cambride Audio DacMagic). Cables: dh-labs interconnects, audioquest silver rca digital, 2 sets of Kimber 4TC (bi-wiring)

I've audiotioned some KEF Reference, Energy Veritas, several Mission, Triangle, ...., and I'm convinced that the Polks LSi15 at a price list of $1995 sounds as a more expensive speaker (every brand and or speaker sounds different, but I think that the audiophile quality in Polk's LSi series is similar to the quality of more expensive ones.
Both are great speakers. Here is how I would break them down, given my experiences of course.

Paradigm Studio 100 V4

- These speakers give the music a more up close and personal presentation. The treble is more forward and detailed than the LSi-15's. They also sport a more open sounding midrange, and can throw out a wider soundstage. I found the Studio 100 V4's to be quite a bit more dynamic than the Polk LSi-15's as well.

With the Paradigms, the music can feel fast and exciting. The compromise to it all is that the Studio 100 V4's can get a bit forward/bright in the top end, and if you aren't careful with matching them to the right amp, the midrange can sound a bit hollow as well.

If you go the Paradigm route, I'd highly suggest throwing some good tube pieces into the system. Good tubes + Paradigm is always a solid match.

Polk Audio LSi-15

The Polks are more laid back than the Paradigms, and will sport a warmer, thicker/meater sound - particularly throughout the midrange. Their imaging, though not as "wide" as the Studio 100's, is more pinpoint and centered between the speakers. Both speakers have decent bass extension and suffer a bit from a "bump" down low.

With the Polk's, you get a more romantic sound. The caveat here is that the 8 inch side firing woofers can sound a bit slow/bloated if you do not pair the speakers with a high current amplifier. If you plan on running the Lsi-15's, I would advise you to go with a good solid state amp that has a real good power supply and control over the bottom end (think: Marsh, Odyssey Audio, Bel Canto, etc..)

Well, there ya have it! Both speakers are good. Both speakers are fairly adept at playing all sorts of music, yet both are polar opposites in terms of how they deliver the musical goods. Good luck!