Classical music speaker recs for small room?


I'm currently in the market for a pair of good classical music speakers that are under $500 and for a room roughly 120 square feet.

I don't intend to live in this box forever, which is why I don't want to invest in something bigger/more expensive. But---how can I put this---Altec-Lansing and Schubert aren't really on the best of terms right now, and I need a huge upgrade in order to make at least one of them happy (schubert).

I primarily listen to classical---especially newer music with sharp, percussive attacks; piano music; and the standard orchestral fare. Next on the list would be experimental/electronic music, jazz, bluegrass, etc. For what it's worth, I'm a classical musician myself and tend to be fairly picky when it comes to these things.

The Paradigm Atom V5 and PSB Alpha B have been recommended, but I'm willing to spend up to $500 and would welcome any recommendations in that ballpark. Also, I'm willing to get something a little too big for this space so that they can be of SOME use when I finally decide to move...

A million thanks,
Another thought for a small room might be used Thiel SCS's, but the amp budget might go up. I humbly suggest you not get speakers that might "be a little too big for this space so they can be of SOME use when I finally decide to move...", unless you know what room your moving to. This is Audiogon, buy what suits you now, sell them when your needs change, and then buy what works best in your new room. The issue of compatibily re: the speaker/room interface should not be underestimated.
For your musical preferences, listening room and your price range, a used Vandersteen 1c would be very difficult to improve upon. I note that there is one for sale on Audiogon now, but they show up from time to time.
Yes, I just auditioned a new pair of Vandersteen 1C's with a friend, and I think they are a great all around speaker for the money. Open sounding with body. Good suggestion at the price point. Also, not too hard to drive. Need to be a minimun of a foot from the wall. Very different aesthetic than most speakers.