Tannoy PBM 6.5 Monitors anyone?

does anyone know anything about these speakers?
i bought an old pair based strictly on Tannoy's rep. no info on our BlueBook, wondering if anyone here at A-gon has any experience with these, or if they are for studio use only?

we used them in our music studio for a while....for listening not for mixing. I still have the pair in my spare equipment closet. You could do a lot worse....and of course you could do alot better. We now mix with Mackies.
STILL haven't received them, putting THAT down to it having been the holiday mail crunch, ETC. should have them any minute now (figuratively speaking).
i'll post my thoughts on them when i finally get them.
yes i paid less than 100.00, at that price, what the heck?
(IF i actually DO finally get them and it's not some flea-bay con job)
i have read mixed reviews about them, people seem to either love them or hate them, doesn't seem to be much middle ground.