New Magnepan 1.7 R

Did anyone else see the CNET article about the new Maggie's? It's a true ribbon 2 way speaker, wow. I had not heard anything about these anywhere before, or seen them at a show. Was the whole mini Maggie testing last year really about these?

I may have to break down and try these.

Any thoughts, or better yet, anyone on here who actully heard/saw them during the testing??
I for one am looking foward to hearing these, but I have to mention, I have owned MMG and MGIIIA and MG3.6's with mye stands. I also have owned Usher CP6381 and thought they they offered more impact and slam, with excellent imaging and top end. The MG3.6 had a bigger sound stage...Both exellent speakers but do diferent things, Just my experience
>>01-01-10: Fruff1976
BTW. If you discount the Usher because they aren't revered<<

Most listeners discount them because they suck.

Being revered has little relevance.
Bill, diplomatic as ever. :-)

I actually think their $350 speaker is pretty good. The rest of the line, not so much.

01-03-10: Audiofeil
>>01-01-10: Fruff1976
BTW. If you discount the Usher because they aren't revered<<

Most listeners discount them because they suck.

Being revered has little relevance.
Look, the point is, I could care less what you, a reviewer or anyone else says. To my ears, they sound much better than any other speakers that has been in my house, with the exception of the Proacs which sound as good but in a different way. That's one of the reasons I kept the 1.6 so long is because everyone was saying how great they are so I figured it must be me. I've learned to judge components based on my own likes or dislikes and not because someone says they suck.
Then again, if truth be told, the same speakers can sound either truly wonderful or truly terrible in the same room depending on their associated components and how well (or how poorly) they are set up (positioned within the room)...