Magico V2 vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M

Hi, I'm pretty new to high end hifi and this is my first posting here. So this question might sound silly but I hope the gurus can help me out here.

I'm seriously considering the Magico V2 or the Sonus Faber Cremona M. Can anyone share on the different characterictics of these 2 floorstanders in terms of soundstaging, imaging, bass, transparency, airiness, clarity, musicality?

Also what amp would best match these 2 speakers? I favour integrated amps.

Personal audition is very difficult and inconvenient for me as I would have to drive 200km to do it. So I depend very much on reviews and forums. Your response would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Thanks guys for the invaluable advice. Will keep them in mind when auditioning.

In reply to Onhwy61, yes, my current system is a decent one but it's just not putting a big wide silly grin on my face. I find that I'm trying very hard to enjoy it instead of just enjoying it.

Here's the kind of sound I'm looking for: big-open-airy-holographic-3D soundstage, natural and palpable vocals (which Class A amps are good for), jaw-dropping transparency and clarity, sweet highs and deep and well-defined bass, very low noise-floor and distortion and crisp, coherent and precise timing and rhythm.
Jtein, like others have said: as long as you don't make your choice based on what you hear with your Primare gear, you'll be fine. I mean, I take it you want to hear the best out of the speakers before you decide you like them or not. Not much sense if you'd base your opinion on gear that just pushes them halfway...

If you want transparency and holographic-3D, think Avalon, Thiel, Volent, but not Sonus Faber.
The drawback however is that those kind of speakers do reveal more, but they also reveal all the bad parts of a recording. I don't know what kind of music you listen to, but I'd that 50% of my cd's contain a crappy recording/production. With higly revealing speakers it would be impossible to enjoy them.
That is why I love the Cremona M so much. Like Living Voice they are pretty detailed, without becoming overly revealing and transparent. Almost any recording will sound great on them. But where the Living voice is easy to drive, the Cremona's aren't.
I also think the speakers you mentioned are not likely to fulfill your criteria. Look into some high efficiency speakers (mid 90s db, impedence preferrably above 4). Then buy matching tubed amp and pre-amp. I think tubes will put that grin on your face. It will take a little research to get a tubed amp that is quiet and with good bass, but there are plenty.
Jtein, I sincerely wish you luck with your search, but your description of what you're looking for sounds to me as if you've been reading too much about audio and not listening enough to music. I've never met a component that put a wide silly grin on my face. There have been countless musical moments that have done it, but never a component. Go to a live concert (unamplified) and see if the highs are silky or the vocals palpable.
Sonus Faber Cremona M for sure.

2 major problems with the Magico IMO

1.Midrange -something not quite right about it,no match for the Sonus.The Cremona midrange is to die for.....

2.You have to use the very best electronics available{Soulution,FM A,etc]to make them can forget about an intergrated amp here with the Magico..

I do not know about your budget,but the ASR Emitter V2_Sonus Faber Cremona could easily send you to musical heaven.