What's the best system in the world?

Is there a reference system today like there used to be when infinity was top dog?
If only audio were as simple to define as cars or wine for high ratings.
Unfortunately, audio is ever evolving, new people coming on the scene, old ones leaving. Science or technology progresses, understanding the basics of what sound/music is increases all to the good. Wines, have a limited number of areas that they can grow well in, living in Sonoma County, I can vouch for that. Cars can be good, but considering how many have been made and how few are considered great after ten or more years, it winds up being about performance and perseverance.
Audio is about bring something that happened somewhere else at another time and place into the here and now. Good Luck.
Seances try the same thing only with those no longer here.
Getting close is good, being there when it happened it better.
So what is the best system in the world? Having the ability and the space to bring the music makers you want to you when you want in your space and just sit back and listen
at least for living artists.
Does it matter?
If you owned the best system in the world you'd probably decide to try some new equipment. That'a how Nirvana works you know- it's a chase, with no arrival.

So I say it's the one I already have!