Best speakers for about $2000 a pair

I was looking at the Magnepan 1.7's but not real thrilled about some quality issues I hear about Maggies. So, what others should I be lookoing at. I tried out some Klipch WF-35 and they are just to bright and not much for soundstage. I can drive just about anything.
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I was going to say the Vandersteen One's since your limit is 2K, but if you can go a little over and you have the space for the 2ce Signature II, go for it.

For box speakers, how about the Totem Sttaf? These speakers are the least "hot" sounding of their line, but still image well and are well rounded.

I also really like the Epos M16i which come in right at 2K.

Some others I would look at include Revel Concerta F12 which is not bright sounding, the PSB Imagine T, and anything you can find in your price range used from Spendor or Harbeth
Vandersteen 2CE Sig II. If you have room for Maggies, you have room for them, and a used pair would be about $1500 or less. A great speaker. The only thing I didn't like about them when I owned them is their narrow vertical listening window. Great when you're in the sweet spot, but a little less great when you're up and around the room.
Proac Tablette 8 signature.
$1900 new
If you have a smaller room they're hard to beat at any price.
Proac's best imaging speaker.The bass very good in a smaller room.