Tube preamp recommendations

Hi everyone,

As I posted a while back, I have given separates a try after quite a while with integrated amps. I had been using a Simaudio i-1. I found it to be a bit thin/brittle in the highs and perhaps a bit too clinical. So, I bought a used McCormack DNA-125 amp and am currently running it through the pre-out on the Simaudio. The McCormack throws an large, deep soundstage and provided much more bass depth and warmth than the Simaudio. However, the sonic signatures of the Simaudio are still there, obviously.

I tried a Conrad-Johnson Classic 2 preamp. While it was smoother and more coherent than the Simaudio's preamp, it still seemed a bit too thin to my ears. I had to make a decision on it before I had the chance to roll tubes, so it might just have been the stock tube (which was brand new).

So, I'm looking for a simple tube preamp that provides a richer midrange than I have with the Sim preamp. I don't need massive bass slam, or extremely detailed treble. In fact, I am very sensitive to treble grain and sibilance. I only need two inputs, and I don't need phono/dac/record out, etc. I'd like to keep the price under 2k, preferably around $1500. The rest of my system is as follows:

a. Primary source: Marantz TT 15s1 w/Jolida JD9 mk3 phono stage
b. Secondary source: Marantz SA8004 SACD player
c. Speakers: Harbeth P3esr

So, if you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it. I thank you in advance for your time.

Best, Scott
Check out Quicksilver. There are two for under 2 grand. I have the 12ax7 non remote for over ten years. I don't think you would go wrong with Quicksilver gear.
I agree with Yogiboy. Try a Quicksilver. They come in 4 versions: 12AX7, 6922, full-function, and now a new version with 12AT7. I have the 6922 version using Mike's stock EH tubes, and it is a GREAT piece that will do everything you want.
We make a preamp that falls below your budget called the Musica Bella LeAnna that is custom built to order with features/options you want with your choice of a 12AU7 or 6922 circuit.
Rhljazz is correct I highly recommend the Manley Labs Jumbo Shrimp. It outputs at 200 ohms and will drive any amp beautifully, just check out the tube set in this pre amp! Also, they list for $3500 and you can find them for around $2000, what a bargain! The main thing I noticed was how the music was way up in the air far above my speakers. Big soundstage and very tight and accurate bass, lower and upper midrange are full, rich, accurate and gorgeous sounding with plenty of rise and fall, very rich and organic with airy spacious highs and great beautiful natural sounding tone. Has radio (not inferred ) controlled remote for volume, very cool.
Mapman, we are working on an integrated but I don't think its going to be that cheap- we're planning about 100 watts/channel.