Help with speaker choice

I'm looking to replace my Totem Acoustic Hawks with something that offers heftier bass and more airy highs. The Hawk is an overall great performer with wonderful midrange and surprisingly deep bass for its small footprint, but I'm ready for a more powerful and more sophisticated replacement. I listen exclusively to records, mostly jazz and some rock, and use a solid state 2x50 watt amp, which will also be replaced at some point by a more powerful amp.

I'm looking for speakers that cost up to $5000. The 4 speakers I'm currently considering are:

1. Acoustic Zen Adagio
2. VMPS RM30
3. Vandersteen 3A
4. Silverline Sonatina III

I've only been able to listen to the Vandersteens and I do like the sound quite a lot. I think it's a great speaker for the money, but I've also heard great things about the other speakers. If anyone can offer advice or owns or heard the other performers, I'd really appreciate their feedback.
Another strong vote for the DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Nines. They excel at meeting the stated needs of the OP!
the guy above is wrong no amp will help the hawks

Wow, Robert,you've heard the Hawks with every amp ever made.That's freakin' impressive.
If you are willing to buy used and interested in silverline, there are a pair of bolero used for sale now (not mine) well within your price range. much more speaker than the sonatina and match your criteria well. easy to drive and look great. fwiiw

I second Gary's comment! The Boleros are probably my favorite speaker, certainly my favorite under $15K. The current version lists for $12K, so the pair for sale are a steal. They are efficient, so your amp will drive them just fine. They are abit euphonic, with a little Gundry dip in the upper-mids/lower-treble, but they are not dark sounding, nor do they lack detail. Heard them years ago and the sound really stuck in my mind. Totally smooth, yet dynamic and involving.

I have also heard the Hyperions and agree with Kijanki. I would also consider Ohm Walsh 4000s, which might need more juice than your current amp, but offer airy highs and really solid, deep bass, based on my experience with the 2000s, which I own.

I've heard the AZ Adagios - also a great speaker, and another one that would be better with a heftier amp. the highs were very smooth, IMHO.

Let us know how you make out!
how about Zu Essence? should be fine with that power level and they are supposed to sound good given how often they show up in demo stands at shows. Leaves $1500 left over for cables/DAC/whatever?