Ohm Walsh vs. Mirage OMD 28

I'd love to hear any opinions/comparisons between some higher end Ohm Walsh models and Mirage 28...Especially regarding their soundstaging abilities...thank you all
Try toeing in the right speaker for more direct exposure at your listening position to move the image to the right? Or, if both toed in already equally toe-out the left speaker.

Sometimes a balance control can come in handy!
03-12-10: Branislav
Well folks, Mirage finally brought a smile to my face and i guess thats about the best compliment you can give a speaker (or equipment). Process of breaking in might be painful sometimes but all the more rewarding afterwards. The soundstage opened up, thanks to me moving them around too, and resolution has gotten considerably better.
That's why I was so enthusiastic about recommending them. Some speakers sound actively irritating out of the box until they settle in and reach their intended tonal balance (e.g., Totem). Mirages aren't like that. Out of the box the tonal balance is OK but the thrill factor is meh.

Give them 100-200 hours, though, and the low level resolution starts coming in. Pretty soon you start hearing things that you might not have noticed before. In my case, I particularly noticed the richness and detail of subtle vocal harmonies and call-responses between two or more groups of vocalists. I don't think the Mirages' improvement in resolution and detail let up for about six months. You will love these speakers even more as the months go by.

My opinion: They put a smile on your face because the tonal balance is very natural and the dispersion energizes the room like live music. They have a natural presentation that makes you forget about speakers and simply enjoy the music.

To get a better L-R balance, you might try either some sound absorption behind the speaker that has solid walls behind it or putting something reflective near the other speaker.
Actually, that's what I did, put a rug on a left side to limit the amount of reflective material that was pulling the sound to the left a bit...it helped...just like with any speaker, one needs to play around with a placement a bit, but probably even more so with these. I think they are a terrific value for 3K, and I don't see them leaving any time soon. I'd love to try one of the Luxman integrated amps with these, maybe 507u or even 509u, since they seem to be great with bass. There is certainly quite a bit of it, I toned it down just a bit with my amp, which allows me to do it. BTW, I did hear the top of the line Walsh too...and they didn't make me regret getting Mirages. Of course, different room and different equipment, so I give it a little benefit of a doubt. I think the Ohm's take the "live concert" sound to the next level, which I'm sure is great for some, but a bit too much for me. A lot of it depends on personal preference and choice of music.