Jeff Rowland

Is there anyone that is familiar with Jeff Rowland amps that can tell me the difference between the 525 with a Capri 2 preamp compared to the Continuum S2 Integrated amp?
Earlier in this thread I never meant to suggest that Ricred1 didn't have a vision, but that I wished he'd actually state it as opposed to the original question about a preamp vs. separates.

I too am a little surprised by his choice of bridging the power amps, but I suspect he'll be quite happy, at least for a little while. All his stated goals can be better addressed by loudspeaker placement and acoustic treatment (sometimes adding, sometimes removing). I also wonder why saving up for the 625s is out of the question?

It's not a tribunal, but to think there are no judgments being made is naive. I would hope that on these forums we can honestly and directly share our thoughts.
I believe that the just announced Rowland M625 S2 may cost approx $18K. Makes for significant planning impliccations. G.
06-13-15: Guidocorona
Bombay walla, soliciting advice or options does not imply that the questioner has an obligation to heed such opinions, nor to explain his deviations from the above.
Sorry Guidocorona, I find this very weird then. If one is not going to take the advice given nor is going to share the deviations from the advice given then why bother asking a question on a forum & why bother wasting people's time soliciting their advice? One should just go off & do what one wants....
If one is engaging other people in a forum for one's own benefit then, yes, one does need to share owns own knowledge base pertinent to the subject at hand & let everybody (who is trying to help you) why one is going off on another track.

When I post a question, I'm looking for feedback from individuals that have firsthand knowledge of the components in question. Yes, anyone can have an opinion based on their experience; however if you not familiar with any of the components in question, why on earth would I take your advice? To my knowledge, Guido and Schacter are the only individuals that have direct experience with the JR 525 and/or the JR Continuum S2. It's only logical to take in consideration what they say. Take in consideration, not do it because they say so.

To say I don't take advice when posting/asking a question isn't true. I recently had a conversation with a guy on Audiogon concerning subwoofers. My thought was to pursue JL Audio only. This individuals owns a JL Audio F112, SVS SB13 Ultra, and a Rythmik subwoofer. Based on his advice I went and listen to a SVS SB13 Ultra. In addition, I tried to listen to a Rythmik subwoofer, but they were less than accommodating. I ended up purchasing a pair of SVS SB13 Ultras. He had direct knowledge, I took his advice to listen. I used my ears and wallet to make the decision on what's best for my system.

No, I don't post every little detail about what I've done. I have listen to many speakers since I've had the Aerial 7Ts. If I had the money I would own Raidho C3.1s, they are the best speakers I've ever heard. After listening to many speakers I decided to keep the Aerial 7ts...not because they are perfect, but the cost to replace them is way more than I'm willing to spend.

I do have room treatment and have moved the position of the speakers several times. Prior to inserting my subs, I removed my bass traps, but found it sounds better with them in now that I have subs.

I appreciate everyone taking their valuable time to respond to my questions. When there are disagreements I submit we should remain's only audio.