Jeff Rowland

Is there anyone that is familiar with Jeff Rowland amps that can tell me the difference between the 525 with a Capri 2 preamp compared to the Continuum S2 Integrated amp?
And the other question that comes to mind is, considering the low impedance of 7Ts....

Ask Jeff... What can be a more efficient combination for your speakers.....

* A Rowland M625 V1) with a theoretical damping factor of 200 across the board and approx 20A of peak current;

* A pair of bridged M525s;

* A pair of M525S in vertical biamped configuration?

NOTE. M625 S2 has a completely different cost, so I am not considering it in the discussion.

06-14-15: Guidocorona
Richard, if you ask the question above to Jeff, please explain that 7Ts speakers go down to a relatively reasonable 3 Ohms under normal conditions.... 1.5 Ohms may occur only in theory with a bridged amp... You do not want to lead Jeff to believe that your speakers dip normally to 1.5 Oh... Meaning a ghastly 0.75 Ohm from a bridged amp.

Guidocorona (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

06-14-15: Bill_k
Guido is absolutely correct, he beat me to it in pointing that out.

Guidocorona, Bill_k,
my post made is very clear that the Aerial 7Ts were a min of 3 Ohms nomimal & 1.5 Ohms in bridged mode. This was very clearly written, no?
I'm cutting & pasting that part of my post again for your resp. convenience....
The Aerial 7T will go down to 3 ohms at certain freq which will look like 1.5 Ohms to the bridged M525 (as Almarg also stated in his post). Ask Rowland if driving 1.5 Ohms in bridged mode will be an issue.
Bombaywalla, yes, your post was absolutely wonderful... Tech credit is all yours. G.
I will ask the question and post my response tomorrow. If cost wasn't a consideration I would purchase the 625 mk2. If I had the opportunity to listen to bridged 525s in my system, I wouldn't have posted the question. I know one person that utilizes bridged 525s to drive Avalon Speakers and loves it.
Why not the Continuum S2 integrated. I had the opportunity to compare an Esoteric K01 to the Bricasti M1. Music through the M1 had more detail, more musical, and just natural sounding. Remember I had a Parasound JC2 preamp and preferred music without it. I prefer my money go to improving the amplifier, without adding a preamp. Now if I can't use bridged 525s or can't find a used 625 that has the most recent updates, I may need to look at other options.
Now if I can't use bridged 525s or can't find a used 625 that has the most recent updates, I may need to look at other options.
Richard, to be sure it's clear, using two 525's in a vertical biamp configuration completely avoids the potential issue that has been raised about using bridged amps in conjunction with low impedance speakers. At the same time, it very likely would provide sonic benefits that would not occur in bridged mode, and I suspect would have no downside relative to bridged mode aside from probably having a bit less maximum power capability (although maximum power capability would still be significantly greater than what you have now).

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al