New Eggleston Savoys ?

I had a weak monment and bought a pair of Eggleston Savoy speakers for my large room. My room is 28x22x10 on peer and beam wood floors. I hope I made the right decision.
It has to be north of MA, the Power 3 is too much in the hot humid summer months :-) ... great as a heater with music in the winter though :-) Currently looking into a quick warm up and cool running SS amp for the summer including several Class D (I need to keep an open mind) recommended by friends.

I had a SF Line 3SE+. After the SE+ mod, I was so please with the results that I shipped my Power 3's to Chris for the same treatment. Last year I decided to downside into a SS integrated and sold the Line 3. Realizing can't live with just an integrate so slowly wasting more $$ ... I meant rebuilding my system again.

I just replaced all my Synergistic Apex bi-wire spkr and xlr ICs with ASI Liveline. I much prefer the ASI in MY system.
The Spectron amp/Joule preamp combination has many advocates. I have not heard it. The Spectron is class D, and will run cool. The Pass certainly will get quite warm.

What is your budget for the amp and preamp?

My dealer recommends Digital Amplifier Company if going with Class D. IHO, it's best Class D amp on the market ... best Spectron, Rowland ... You can bridge 2 amps so it has enough power to drive any speaker.

It mates well with tube preamps. In auditions, customers keep asking where is the SET amp and couldn't believe it's a Class D amp.

Digital Amplifier Company only sells direct with a 30 days return policy and he gets no commission so just a strong recommendation.
I have now reached a point where I am happy with my system. I settled on the Spectron monoblock amps with Vcaps and Bybees and a Joule Electra preamp. The Savoys now have the best bass and mid range I have heard from them. The combo just does it for me. I don't think I will be changing amps or preamp anytime soon.