Subs and the quest for bass.

I recently picked up a Rythmik Audio F12SE subwoofer to compliment my B&W 805S. Happy with it, and the Rythmik has very musical bass. I am using an active crossover (NHT-X2 crossing at 80hz) and a Velodyne SMS-1 sub equalizer to even out the low end response. (I have a lot of bass modes.) The SMS-1 is very useful, and with help of quite a bit of EQ, my low end response is almost perfectly flat.

While it sounds great, I keep wondering how different the sound would be if I didn't have to use so much EQ. Then I started thinking maybe I should add another sub? When I started I told myself I would not do it. Also I had so much trouble getting good placement and setup with the first sub, I don't know if I even want to further complicate things.

Subs are behind and wide of the mains and crossed at app 75 hz. No delay applied. Overall, this is the best bass I've ever managed to achieve. Zero complaints and integration is seamless. Blind, I would never guess that there were subs in this system

Good Luck

Sorry I should have mentioned that the subs are app 3 feet further from my listening position than are the mains (13 feet vs 10 feet) and maybe 4 feet wider apart in total.

So are you using two SMS-1s so each SMS-1 gets it's own seperate signal? (true stereo)
Summed with common EQ. Works fine (for me, anyway) when crossed at 75 hz.

If I were to go the stereo bass route, how would I eq for 2 subs? Each sub would be getting it's own singal (right sub gets the right channel signal, left gets left) What process should I use for EQing? After level matching the subs, should I just EQ them together to get a combined flat response? What I am wondering about though, is if a certain track has the bass on one side of the soundstage, then it will only come out of one sub, right? wouldn't that make it no longer have a flat response?