Dynaudio Confidence C2 or Focus 360 ?

Presently I am using a pair of Dynaudio Audience 82 but have been considering moving up the line to either the Contour S3.4, Confidence C2 or newer Focus 360. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. I would like to keep the speaker weight at or below approximately 100 pounds. Thanks, Bob
Kind of strange selection there.Havent heard the Focus line and probably never will(no real desire),the 3.4s are OK but much better speakers out there at that price point..and the C2s I wouldnt want(they seem to be the oddball speaker in the confidence line and just dont do it without a sub and a hard sell on the used market)..C1s (sell quickly) with sub or C4s(they hardly ever come up used,guessing owners love em)!.Thats where you should be auditioning,just my opinion as a Dynaudio owner. Of course its all room dependent/gear/music you listen too/ cash available etc etc.
Hello. I currently own C2s which I upgraded from 3.4s. While I loved my time with the 3.4s when I upgraded to the C2s I finally understood what all the fuss was about the Confidence line. This speaker makes me just want to sit back relax and listen to music. To me thats what this hobby is all about. I currently live in a condo so the C4s were out of the question until we move. The C2s are more than adequate enough in my room. What I also love about the C2s is I can walk through out my condo while there playing and they seem to project this big acoustic bubble of sound no matter were I stand. As far as weight and size they were very easy to move and once there in place they actually blend in with there surroundings nicely despite ther size. I never heard the Focus 360 so I can't comment on that speaker. Hope this helps.
The C-2's are good, but I agree that you should target the C-4's. I've seen them for $8k on the used market.
Tjp62 and Mmike84 - Thanks for your comments about the C2 and C4. My room is only 13 x 21 feet and the speakers are on the short wall, so either speaker should work well.