Dynaudio Confidence C2 or Focus 360 ?

Presently I am using a pair of Dynaudio Audience 82 but have been considering moving up the line to either the Contour S3.4, Confidence C2 or newer Focus 360. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. I would like to keep the speaker weight at or below approximately 100 pounds. Thanks, Bob
>>04-25-10: Ultramanhero
Focus is an entry level line<<

That's incorrect.

Actually Excite is the entry level line.

Dealer disclaimer.
Audiofeil friend,
Focus is an entry level line and Contour is a crossover. -- This statement was declared by the local Dynaudio office, not my opinion.

This is the natural order of Dynaudio loudspeakers from the entry level to the high end. Contour is NOT a crossover line, although the 5.4 does use a variation of the Esotar2 tweeter found in the Confidence line, but so does the Focus 360.