Best Tannoy speakers with $4000 Budget


I have been searching for speakers for about a year. Speakers I like so far:

Devore Nines
Tannoy Kennsington SE

With my budget I will most likely have go the used route. My Amp is a Pathos Twin Towers. Afer hearing the Tannoy, I was blown away. Have been trying to learn about older Tannoys. What would be the best old or new Tannoy used or new at $4000?
I have a pair of 15" Gold HPD for sale here on Audiogon. They are special but not perfect. Email and I'll be glad to tell you my experience.

My audio pal has a beautiful pait of Glenair 15's he got under your budget. If I had to advice on one thing they need IMO it would be a super tweeter to get them sounding as I wish but you may differ.
I owned a Pathos TT and loved it but found it to be very speaker dependent. Make sure you can audition whatever you decide to buy WITH the Pathos before committing.

The way I got back into Tannoys was to purchaase a used pair of HPD 315 drivers from Ebay UK. I had custom 150 liter cabinets @200lbs. (each) made for them, and did the assembly and internal wiring myself. I have since upgraded the crossovers with custom outboard units with much better parts than the originals, and lastly, I have replaced the woofer cones with new "hard edge" surrounds. These are perhaps the finest sounding speakers I have heard, certainly the best I have owned, which includes $9000 pair Dynaudios. My investment is around $4000 for the pair. I invested much time, as well, in building the crossovers, wiring the internals, etc; but it was well worth the effort. I would do it all over again. These will spend the rest of my life with me, with no regrets.

An option to consider, if you are up to it.
