Dynaudio Consequence UE

What is your opinion on the placement of ultra high-frequency tweeter units (like Elac 4 Pi) on top of Consequence UE?
Maybe you should start designing you own speakers since apparently your the expert.
some people just can't accept what he owns is not the best on earth. I have owned many, if they are not good enough, they go back on Audiogon. what's the big deal?

I will never claim what I own is perfect especially speakers, no speakers are perfect and I have heard too many in my life. Not MBL 101E, not Dynaudio Evidence, not Avalon Isis, not Rockport, not Sonus Faber Stradivarius, not...... you get the idea
probably that is the reason why dynaudio and some other companies are using such sayings in their advertesments in order to catch buyers who want to own the best things on planet earth;)"probably the best speakers in the world".As we all know that is not always the truth:)