SMS-1 Questions

I just purchased 2 Rythmik F12 subs to integrate into my MO system. My speakers are full range. If I purchase an SMS-1 for DRC, what would be the most effective way to use it. Do I need a TV in the room for it to be effective, or will it display to a laptop?
You need something that will display composite or s-video video. That is usually a TV.

What is DRC?

I've always assumed DRC stands for Digital Room Correction.

it's been some time since I set up my SMS-1, but I think you can just let it run if you don't care to see what it's doing. Although I may have the display turned off, IIRC it does have a display that shows what state it's in. Still, it's fun to watch the changes in correction as it makes its passes, so hook it up to a monitor or TV.
