Active speakers. What to choose?

Hello fellow audiogoners.
I have been given an opportunity to acquire these few active speakers at great prices. Three pairs of different speakers that only vary a couple of thousand dollars between each other.
First there's the Pass Labs Rushmore brand new in box.
Then there's the Linn Klimax 350A store demos.
And the ATC Anniversary 50s store demos.
Obviously the first two pairs of speakers listed have a distinct edge over the ATC in terms of bargain pricing. But which one should I choose? They are all so alike in terms of their product philosophy, being very dynamic, low distortion and accurate.
I am building a system from scratch so system synergy is a non issue.
Your inputs will be great appreciated!
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ATC SCM 50 is a classic that has withstood the test of time but it won't win a beauty contest and it is not rare - it will hold it's used value well (assuming you get a good "demo' or used price).

The other two speakers are more elegant and are likely to remain rare - so perhaps more pride of ownership in terms of possessing a unique speaker. Will they withstand the test of time - who knows - very little does in audio.

Since I have not heard the Linn or the Pass Labs, I cannot comment on the sound quality. I have no doubt that they are extremely good.
Shadorne, the ATC SCM 50 Anniversary is a beautiful speaker. You are thinking of the regular model.
I did have a chance to hear the Rushmore in a very large room, at least 20x25. I was offered a good price, but I walked away because I simply did not hear one thing I like. Muddy bass and lacking detail. It could be the room, but I did move around the room enough as well as move the speakers to see if room node was clouding up the sound. Tonal balance did not change, it was warm, dark, and muddy.

In the same room, same setup, we switched to Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario. Viola, music was back and toes were tapping.

Probably easy to guess, I did not buy the Rushmore. I spoke to Pass extensively before auditioning the speakers, they honestly told me they have sold very few pairs especially in US. Total made were either 100 or 200 pairs worldwide and mostly sold outside US.