McIntosh MA7000 or MC252?

which is the best solution for B&W 801 S3?
McIntosh MA 7000 or McIntosh MC 252 with Audio Research LS5MKII?

I have been living with the MA7000 for a few months now and have had SO MANY systems in the past. Mostly separates but a few integrateds. I am running mine with Sonus faber Guarneri mementos and a Cary 306 Pro CDP. Amazing goose bump sound and the MA7000 KILLS the previous MA2275 I had as well as my previous seperates systems by Cary, ML, etc.

I had a ML 383 and thought it was awful. Anyway, I will never sell this 7000, and it is indeed better sounding than the 2300/252 combo I heard at my dealers.

I was running it with a McIntosh MCD500 but it was a but dark sounding so I changed out to the Cary 306 SACD PRO and it was night and day. My system is now perfect.