
I have always been a box speaker person with top of the line Harbeths being my preference. Recently, I had occassion to a super! great deal on a pair of Magnepan 20.1's with the Cherry rails. Now, I've never heard a Magneplanar speaker so didn't know what to expect. I went to the sellers home fully expecting to be disapointed but wow, they sounded great. Anyway, it was too good a deal to pass up and now, they are in my home....I must add that the WAF ain't all that great because these things are monsters. NOW, I have the task of properly powering these speaks. I have them hooked up to a single Cary CAD200 amp thats doing 350W a channel and WOW but feel more power could be better so I'm searching for a best fit mono or single amp that will do these justice. A little hard for me because I'm a tube amp person and the tubes I've got just ain't gonna cut it with 4 ohms. Any suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.

Bryston, Krell, big Pass Labs, Cary MB 500's, Sanders Sounds Mono Blocks, Parasound Halo JC-1's, Wyred4Sound 1000 MB
Try Musical Fidelity 750 Superchargers with a tube amp that you like. You will get punch!
`the mc602 mac...a few are at audio classics for a great price. they will drive anything and are sweet.
Regarless of amplifier choosen,

The bass is affected a lot by speaker placement. It could take the batter part of 6 months of moving the speakers around and room treatment before those speakers will sound correctly ..... Believe Me !

The x-overs are poor 2, some time spent updating here will net big advantages ...
