Room acoustics how ? My image is not centered

The sound of my system is not good. the image is tending a bit to the left and not centered, the sound is "hard" and there is no much stage.

I own Merlin MMe, VAC Avatar super, Electrocompaniet EMC1 CPD, cables: audience au24, cardas golden reference

as for the unbalanced, I tried all the combination's of switching cables sides and every time the sounds is bit stronger on the left. so I suspect my problem is with the room acoustics. the left wall is made of concrete bricks and the right wall is all glass-fronted (maybe this is the cause?) the ceiling is made of wood.
do you know how can I scientifically measure and check the sound in my room ? and scientifically found the places where I need to put some materials for better acoustics ?
any good info and/or reference for web site explaining on room acoustics ?

about my amplification (VAC AVATAR SUPER), I suspect (only syspect) its really not match the Merlins since the sound is bright and "hard". anyone have experience with it with the Merlins ? better suggestions for amp or pre& for the merlins ? (for used price ~5500$)

Man, where to start?

First of all, there are MANY hard, reflective surfaces in your room. That is the cause of the hard sound you are describing. And slap back echo from a lively room will contribute to confused imaging and soundstaging. Early sidewall reflections can also cause the image shift you hear. Don't spend another penny on electronics until you have invested some time and money on room treatments. Free standing room tune panels (or variants) at the first (and second possibly) sidewall reflection points, an area rug over the floor, corner tunes in the uppermost corners, and some traps or panels directly behind the speakers. That should get you started.

Get "Get Better Sound" by Jim Smith. You may have micro-misalignment you can fix with that book.

Download free RTA application for iPhone, run pink noise from speakers, and see what you get at listening position. Then repeat with each channel individually. This is very crude, but also very helpful. Something in your playback change probably has "balance". You can adjust this if you cannot rearrange your room to be more symmetric in response.
Based on this post and my difficulties with my room I had tried everything I could think of, until I tried the Sumiko Master Set method. Its the only one that worked. Everything snapped into focus. The images float in the air. I can't hear one speaker over the other no matter where I sit. The midrange is natural and lifelike. The bass is even and full without exaggeration. It took about 2 hours but finally I can rest easy. No bull. It works. I have an odd room with a ceiling that is lower on one side and asymmetrical furniture. It doesn't matter. You are tuning the speakers to the room. No formulas. Similar to Jim Smith but infinitely easier.
great news T,

where did you find the details on how to do this method? I googled and Binged with no result. My room blows as well but I think I have it sounding pretty good but..........
There are several post on Audiocircle. I'm not home now. Try "Sumiko master set speaker placement" and look for the audiocircle posts. Email me if you don't locate it and I'll send you a link. Good luck!