Please...Advice For The Speakerly Challenged

Hello all.

Well, I have been shopping around South Central Texas (Austin and San Antonio) audio dealers for a new set of speakers as an upgrade to replace my aging Klipsch KG-5.5's. Unfortunately, there seems to be a shortage of new speakers to audition in my neck of the woods when considering the seemingly astronomical numbers of manufacturers these days. What I hope to gain here is advice from knowledgeable audiophiles who may have heard the speakers I have auditioned. Perhaps said audiophiles could then recommend other brands I have not heard to consider buying based on what I have already heard. Hopefully I am making sense. I like rock, jazz, classical, world, new age and electronic more than any other genres. My budget is up to $4000, but I would like to hold it down to less than 3k if possible. I would definitely consider buying good used speakers. I am currently using a pair of solid state 200 watt/ch monoblocks for power.

What I have always liked about Klipsch speakers is the great dynamics, wide soundstage, good detail and deep bass response. What I have not been crazy about is the somewhat harsh upper mids and a boomy spike in the mid bass with my KG's (could be a mode). I really detest speakers that have a boxy coloration more than anything else, much preferring a neutral sound.

Here are the speakers I have auditioned so far:

Paradigm Monitor 7 - a fine little floorstander, but I worry that it will not fill a larger room to my liking.

Paradigm Studio 60 and 100 - Really liked the 60 and loved the 100. Really liked the 100 with jazz, rock and new age. Could be a little better with detail.

Dynaudio Excite X32 - I absolutely loved this speaker. It was the most detailed I have heard under 4K, with wonderful mids and outstanding tonal balance. Would only like a little fuller bottom end, but this is a minor quibble with this one. The next model above X36 might just fit my bill, but the dealer had none in stock.

Polk Audio RTI-A9 - Sounded thin and looked somewhat cheap, probably because it was. I really expected more based on reviews, but I guess I should not have. Likely the room acoustics were a big factor though, as I listened to them at Fry's, ugh.

PSB Synchrony 2. I really liked this speaker, but I listened back and forth against the Dynaudio, and it just did not measure up against the Excite X32 overall to my ear.

Vienna Acoustics Mozart. This speaker had a lot to like including accuracy, detail, soundstage and balance, but it had a little boxy sound that put me off. I also thought it was overpriced.

Martin Logan. Listened to several models and liked none. Good mids including nice vocal reproduction, but did not like much else.

B&W 684. This was perhaps the very worst mid or hi-fi loudspeaker I have ever heard. To my ear it sounded like lo-fi crap. I know there are good B&W speakers, but not this one. I thought it was blown, but it was auditioned in a high end home theater store. Extremely overpriced IMO.

Magnepan 1.7 - This was a very fine speaker, but I just can't abide the looks. I would also have to buy a quick sub too, which considering their cost might not be a big problem.

Klipsch RF-83 - I really liked this speaker. It was similar in sound to my KG 5.5's, but with a little less clarity in the bottom end, which was a negative. The mids and highs were better than my current Klipsch speakers.

For any who are still with me, could you lend advice on what I should consider in addition to the above and based upon what I have liked in these speakers. Thanks so much.
Buy what you think is "best" for you.After all,you will be the one living with them.As stated above,sounds like you have a good understanding of what you really like in a speaker.Go with what you hear and by all means,audition in your home if at all possible.I wish I had that luxury but....Good luck.
"...a shortage of new speakers to audition in my neck of the woods..."

You gotta be kidding me! I'd have to drive for days and days to audition the range of speakers you've already heard. Count yourself lucky.

Just a note on the Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand and the boxy sound you mentioned: On another forum (and quite a while ago) the importer for Vienna said that it is absolutely imperative to fill the speaker cavity with sand or other deadening material. The designer created the speaker with that as an absolute necessity. Before coming to any conclusion, I'd check with the dealer to see if he did that.

How about some Klipschorns used if you like the Klipsch sound that's as good as it gets. They are still a great speaker.

Paradigm Signature S8 should fill your bill as well. I have seen them for sale in that range here before. This is a great dynamic speaker, if you like the 100 this would blow your doors off.
Another vote for the Alon Mk V. I owned the IV's for several years and loved them. Back then, bass response was more important than it is now and that is the only reason I chose the IV's over the V's. If I were making the choice today between the two, I would go with the V's. And the V's should work nicely with your preferred budget.