A sad tale of tube problems...

Before I tried tubes, I was warned that they are a pain, can be expensive, can fail, will develop hum issues, etc. Well, I had no idea how bad it was going to be. I have tried repeatedly over the past couple of years to get some tubes into my system, and everything has failed. If only they didn't sound so good I would just commit to solid state. Here's my tale of woe...

1. As my welcome back to the audiophile world, I bought a hybrid integrated - got a terrible buzz through the right channel. When I turned the balance to the left, the buzz through the right channel got louder. Never got it solved and went to a SS integrated.

2. Got into vinyl and thought a tubed phono amp would be great. The first one lasted 5 minutes and the right channel dropped out completely. Replaced the tubes, still no luck. They sent me a new one, but I was getting significant distortion. Turns out even the lowest gain setting was too high for my integrated amp. Went to a SS phono amp.

3. Tried a single ended tube integrated. Had a hum problem that was audible from 30+ feet away. Shipped it back for repairs. Came back to me and broke down within the week. They sent me a new one - hum was still there although not quite as bad as the first unit. Went back to my SS integrated.

4. Tried another hybrid integrated. Lasted a week before a loud pop caused horrible distortion. Had to send it in for service. Went back to my SS integrated.

5. Bought a SS power amp (worked great) and used my integrated's preout. Then decided to try a tube preamp. Got significant bleed through on one channel, and when the volume was off I was still getting sound through the left channel. Went back to using my integrated as a preamp.

6. Gave one more shot at a tubed preamp. There was some tube rush through the right channel, so I bought upgraded tubes. Put them in and got a terrible hum through the other channel that I couldn't get rid of.

Counting the replacement components, that's 8 tubed products - and not one has worked. I guess I'm doomed to solid state...:(

Just had to vent...

p.s. I have tried with and without power conditioners and an Emotiva power strip to stop DC on the line. Didn't make a difference.
Best of luck, Scott :-)
Should I see your thread soliciting tube recommendations,
I would have two for you.

Scott, it would be interesting to hear what Underwood HiFi finds wrong with the pre-amp when they get it back and check it out.
Scott, I recommend you take up golf instead. Just don't hit any squirrels ;)
Ernie - you just have to finish off the squirrel with the first shot. I'm pretty sure Scott was over par on dispatching the squirrel :)