Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
When I say voicing, I am referring to models following traditional UK speaker values. KEF, B&W, Harbeth, Neat, Kudos etc are all British but all are voiced differently.

Even Spendor, which has a Classic line also has a more modern sounding floor standing series. The treble sparkles a bit more. The bass is faster and tighter, though not a lot deeper and the midrange is a bit more forward.

I have found traditional US speakers are more full range with extended treble and deeper base but the upper mid range was less refined. And in the old days, the west coast sound was big and brash while the east coast sound was more like UK speakers.

Most companies today build speakers that defy their country of origin. I would say big Klipsch speakers might embody traditional US values but companies like Wilson or Joseph make fabulous neutral full range speakers that would compare against other full range modern designs from Focal, Dynaudio, KEF or B&W.
Banerjba I own harbeth and dynaudio.Dynaudio shines at loud listening levels.More punchier sound compared to harbeths,bigger sound impression.Addictive sound
I agree with Banerjba every word.
I'm addicted to dynamic and plan to build room for Wilson, but until then I'm planning to enjoy my time with Harbeth. I just order Super HLS5+
harbeth are not overpriced at all compared to wilson audio, magico, ect.
they may seem overpriced compared to revel f208/f206. anyone compared a harbeth to a revel f206/208?
they are quite pricey but imo offer very special qualities. The only reason I dont have a harbeth is bass issue: not a fan of that cabinet.
At first I got a pair of SHL5s which were great. But that was in my audiomania phase. I tried to supplant the SHL5s with many high end monitors from the top companies. Many came very close but they came and went and I held onto the SHL5. Then I added P3ESRs. Then I got 30.1s...and C7s and finally the 40.1s. Yes, I was addicted. When I had all 5 at once, I knew something had to be done.

And that's how I became a dealer! Now I have a great excuse to own so many and spread what I see as a highly worthwhile gospel.