Technics 1200 Series OUTER RING?

We have had literally 100'S of requests over the last 3 years to manufacture an outer ring for the Technics 1200 Series Direct Drive. We have a new customer who has made some modifications to his turntable to clear the power switch and also modified the setting tool to clear the post.

Expect a 25 to 50% reduction in record noise and distortion, we have over 3000 customer worldwide using our outer record clamp.

Your "fat guys" comment is as amateur as it was in the the other thread.
Use your imagination, that same thing that convinces you that you are intelligent and funny.
Most of us are here to improve our audio systems, the listening experience and share music, not to degrade comradery.
Walk this Andrew. Who are you to call out anyone and act like the frigging internet forum police. Let the moderators decide. Go away troll.
Good to hear from you Sam, although you should use your study hall time more judiciously.
Jeepers, the fat Canadian is gone. Just like his early attempts at the turntable business.
You know, those tables with the funky bearings and faulty speed controllers?
Talk to us TTLightweights.........