Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
harbeth are not overpriced at all compared to wilson audio, magico, ect.
they may seem overpriced compared to revel f208/f206. anyone compared a harbeth to a revel f206/208?
they are quite pricey but imo offer very special qualities. The only reason I dont have a harbeth is bass issue: not a fan of that cabinet.
At first I got a pair of SHL5s which were great. But that was in my audiomania phase. I tried to supplant the SHL5s with many high end monitors from the top companies. Many came very close but they came and went and I held onto the SHL5. Then I added P3ESRs. Then I got 30.1s...and C7s and finally the 40.1s. Yes, I was addicted. When I had all 5 at once, I knew something had to be done.

And that's how I became a dealer! Now I have a great excuse to own so many and spread what I see as a highly worthwhile gospel.
Murphythecat: Even larger cabinet of the P3ESR cannot product enoug tight bass? I admit Harbeth is not overprice but neither it's affordable for normal citizen, it's kinda luxury items. For same price, you need some more time and efforts to find speakers that is even better or same as
Some member needs to post a thread asking to list which speakers are in their honest opinion a rip off and possibly why so. Even a venerable company like Harbeth seems to be moving toward this list based on some of the responds I have read here.

I think such a list would help potential buyers rethink spending over $6000 and beyond for speakers. In addition, I think it is fair to ask manufacturers how manufacturing costs and residuals costs compute to the determine the final retail price of their speaker or speakers

Please don't insult the intelligence of some members like myself by floating the tired theory of "perceived value" Personally, I think that is crap and a spurious argument at best to empty ones bank account. Lastly, in mounting the above criticism, I don't think anyone who agrees is trying to tell you how to spend your money.
You may not want to hear it, but most purchases are about "perceived value". There is no question that the prices of Harbeth speakers have spiraled toward the heavens in recent years. I recall an older review of the Model 40 from Enjoy the Music some years back when those particular speakers were less than $7k. Now they are more than double the price.
I think they are worth the current asking price in comparison to other similarly priced speakers on the market, and apparently so do other listeners, or Harbeth wouldn't be selling them at that price.
The fact that I can't afford them does not make them a "rip off".
Your proposal is silly.