Parasound's new Halo integrated

Hi group,
I'm seriously interested in Parasound's new integrated. Has anyone heard it? I've never heard a Parasound product and unfortunately don't have a dealer in town.

The new Halo has power and an ESS Sabre reference DAC, which I find very attractive.

My speakers are Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE's; speaker cable is Kimber Monocle XL.

Any insight you have would be appreciated.
I currently have a Rega Elicit-R integrated; what I'm hoping for is more power/current to bring the best out of those speakers.
I think the amp may be a bit outmatched by the Viennas; I have a larger space and would like an amp that would fill it with ease.

I find the Parasound attractive, but I'm also open to other suggestions.
It's good that you listed your Rega. I haven't heard the model you have, but I've only seen positive comments on it. I suspect it would be an excellent sounding amp. One of the things you may want to consider if you upgrade to the Parasound, is that you won't be just getting more power. You'll be getting a different sounding amp. For me, at least, that's extremely important. And which amp is better is just personal preference. So my advice would be to demo the Parasound before you buy it. When you are replacing an amp as nice as the Rega, its much easier to make a mistake.
You're so right. The Elicit-R has been wonderful. (You should go hear one.)
In my space, with my speakers, it needs a bit more power.
I'm in no hurry to make a move. I'm very interested in making the right move.
All options are on the table for me: I have a vintage Yamaha C-70 preamp scheduled for a restoration in August; I could pair that up with a fine amp. Also looking at good options from Bel Canto, Wyred4Sound. Arcam's A49 also intrigues me.
I cannot speak on the brands you mention, although I do use a Parasound Halo preamp. It's solid with nice features and sounds OK, I've got no complaints. But, from your description it sounds like you may be ready for separates. In my personal experience moving up from an integrated to separates was a major step up. Just an increase in power, finesse, bass control, I'm sure there are many fine integrated Amps out there, but once I went with separates I could never go back.