HiFiMan HE-1000 Headphones vs Reference Speakers ?

One reviewer that listened to these headphones thought they sounded much more like his reference system! Sounded very un-headphone like!!...

Could this be a short-cut to Audio Nirvana!..

I heard the Hifiman HE-1000 phones at the Newport and San Francisco audio shows. I think they are amazing! I'm still considering a purchase but hate to abandon my beloved Stax phones. But YES, I could live happily with a pair and a high-quality tube headphone driver unit. Also, I have heard them with digital music players, like the Sony HAP-Z1ES, and the sound quality is stunning.
I just found out about this (today), they are some new headphones that just came out (AudioQuest NightHawk $600) that a Audio Writer said is even BETTER than the hifiman he-1000's!!...

head fi is ur friend
dont trust reviewers, trust communities, the new hifiman headphones, the he 1000 or he560 are just amazing
The review of the Audioquest Nighthawk phones is flawed. The reviewer admits that he is really a speaker guy, has AKG 701 phones as his go-to phones and warns not to critically listen for 150-200 hours minimum (for break-in). I love headphones, but an hour a day is plenty. That means six months before I'm comfortable comparing the Nighthawks to my Stax or even the Hifiman HE-1000 that they compete with. At $600 the Nighthawks are probably a bargain, but I'll stick with my Stax or spring for the Hifiman HE-1000 if I want a change.