Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
Thanks Calvinj. Glad you are enjoying the new tubes! I guess I will need to learn a bit more about tube rolling if I get the EAR.
Well I have tried the telefunkens and amperex so far. Look the review by 8xlor I think. Look at what he said about the seimens tubes. From what I hear. He speaks the truth. I have never been happier with a CD player
I tried the EAR DAC 4 in my system this weekend, compared to my TriVista21. That EAR does sound more analog. Areas in which it improved over my Trivista include bass articulation and tone, forward movement or pace of the music, involvement in the music, and purity of voices. I do still very much like my Trivista , but I can hear that the EAR is definitely better in those areas. Soundstage was similar. Slightly better resolution of fine detail with EAR. In my system, the EAR sounded more like my analog front end (comparing vinyl and cd of same music) than does the TriVista.