HiFiMan HE-1000 Headphones vs Reference Speakers ?

One reviewer that listened to these headphones thought they sounded much more like his reference system! Sounded very un-headphone like!!...

Could this be a short-cut to Audio Nirvana!..

Listen to the HiFiman HE-1000 phones for yourself and decide. If AudioQuest can make headphones at $600 that match $3,000 phones, more power to them. I'm guessing they can't. Once you listen to the HE-1000, you'll understand!
These NightHawk headphones use the same speaker drives that the "world's best" Sony MDR-R10's! People pay as much as $6K! for these Sony R10's when they come on the used market!..

While I like headphones and used them in college for years (HD650, grado RS1, UE,Shure etc) they will never be a speaker replacement for me. If I need to listen quietly or when traveling they are good but given the choice I will take my HIFI rig every time.
I have heard The HE-1000 and they are great for headphones. They are not a replacement for speakers.
Lots of opinions here, but very few from those who have actually heard the Hifiman HE 1000. Hearing is believing! If you don’t agree then that they are amazing, we can talk. The V2 revision probably even improved the sound, and user comfort.