Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

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Cosmo, not stalking you, but if you are a dealer for a product please state in your post. It is fine to like what you sell, and genuinely bring it to our attention, but please disclose your affiliation if there is one.
I thinking got the last of the Red wire on the spool just black left.

I ordered red and black.
Sounds awful when first hooked up.

Very nasally. (mid rangey sound)

But it does sound very different!

I have a friend who laughs at the notion of hearing a difference in any wire. If he can not hear a difference he needs his ears checked.

Now is it better? Piling on the hours to see.
Crimson audio cables from Austin Texas

Fabulous - very engaging, resolving and tonally balanced

Do an audiogon search

Creston and his son Creston are great

Thin not garden hoses less strain on the components
they replaced some very good cables in my system

You have the option to try before you buy

Well, here's a preliminary report with my 35w tube-based system. After about 75 hours, the double run of WE 16g speaker wire is sounding pretty good. Yet, I really loved the sound when it was first installed with 0 burn-in. Sweet and subtle. Since my system is balanced, Best-tronics built the Belden IC's with Neutrik XLR's with gold plated pins. After about 30 hours on the Belden, the sound seems less bold. The mild reverb used with vocalists now appears to be much more pronounced - making it almost efx sounding. When I re-installed my Pure Note Enhanced Paragon XLR's, the music moved forward and full-bodied - as I prefer. Will the Belden change much with more hours on it?